Artificial Intelligence

Robot hand and human hand touching on data network connection background

ETL helps your company harness the power of artificial intelligence to uncover and create opportunities.

Respond quicker. Innovate faster. Plan better.  At ETL, we unlock the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to help organizations accelerate sustainable growth. Our approach is relentlessly focused on real-world impact. We leverage insights gleaned from you existing data to focus and direct your team to achieve amazing results.

The application of artificial intelligence goes beyond just “better” or “faster” processes. It inspires new ways of operating and growing a business.

Our Approach

Our approach is to think big, start small, and grow fast. With this framework, companies see their AI ROI quickly—deliver results in weeks or months, rather than years.

Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Data Transformation can create a massive competitive advantage, but it’s not enough to just invest in cutting-edge technologies and algorithms. To get a lasting advantage, companies need to rewire decision making and operations. Our AI consulting team and industry experts ensure that your team has the required range of expertise to drive a transformation for the long term.

When technology and people work together, there’s no limit to what can be achieved.

Our Offerings

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a single technology but a set of methods and tools with sub-domains applied to countless situations. We like to say, “Technology is implemented. Bots are built. But AI is applied.” Value from AI doesn’t come from simply “putting it in.”

To realize value from AI, you need to understand the scope and risks specific to your organization. Choose which components you're ready for today and what changes are needed to grow into the others.  Then, define the value and capabilities needed to integrate, incorporate and leverage these new capabilities.


Artificial Intelligence

We partner with organizations to unleash new possibilities by putting the right people, processes, and technology in place to scale AI.


Internet of Things

We partner with clients to turn IoT into real business value with improved operations, connected products and services, and entirely new businesses.


Data Transformation

We help organizations unlock the true value of data and build performance by making lasting improvements in technology, processes, and capabilities.

Contact us to learn more about AI, Data Transformation, or IoT.